How to Create Note Taking Website JavaScript. JavaScript Note Taking Website Project with Source Code .HTML,Css,Javascript Tutorial.

Steve rogers
2 min readOct 13, 2023

This is a tutorial about how you can create a Webapp in Javascipt which is capable of taking notes and then show it to the user.You can use this as your project. This also helps you to make your Javascript concepts strong.This web application allows you to create, edit, and manage your notes online. You can use it to store your personal or professional notes, organize them by categories.

This is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, using the following features and technologies:

  • Local Storage: NoteJS uses the browser’s local storage to save and retrieve your notes. This means that your notes are stored on your device and not on any server. You can also export and import your notes as JSON files.
  • Markdown: NoteJS supports markdown syntax for formatting your notes. You can use headings, lists, links, images, code blocks, and more to make your notes more readable and expressive.
  • Marked: NoteJS uses the marked library to parse and render your markdown notes. Marked is a fast and lightweight markdown parser and compiler that follows the CommonMark specification.
  • Font Awesome: NoteJS uses the font awesome icons to add some style and functionality to the user interface. You can use icons to create new notes, edit or delete existing notes, toggle between dark and light modes, and more.

This is a simple and elegant note taking web application type project that you can use as your project.

Code For this Project: -

Simply Save this code as html file and you are ready to go.

Hope You Like This project.

For Code Visit The link given below

Originally published at on October 13, 2023.



Steve rogers

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